Softchem completes source code for Veolia Eau

During June 2008 Softchem was approached by Veolia Eau - Compagnie Generale des Eaux, from Saint Maurice (France), to compile source code for a water treatment software package that the company was in the process of compiling. Softchem provided Veolia Eau with source code, inclusive of various subroutines and procedures, to determine:

  • CO3 acidity from known pH and H2CO3* alkalinity, and
  • the calcium carbonate precipitation potential from known pH, alkalinity, total calcium and acidity. The output from this subroutine provides the calcium carbonate precipitation potential in mg/l as CaCO3, the saturation calcium concentration in mmol/l, the saturation pH of the solution and the saturation H2CO3* alkalinity in mmol/l.