Softchem awarded Langer Heinrich EIS project

Softchem was awarded the contract to compile an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the proposed Langer Heinrich uranium mine. The mine, situated approximately 85 km east of Swakopmund in Namibia, was acquired by Paladin Resources Ltd, an Australian publicly listed company, during August 2002 through its wholly owned Namibian registered subsidiary Langer Heinrich Uranium (Pty) Ltd. The EIS forms part of a bankable feasibility study being led by GRDMinproc, the consulting engineers for the project.

More information on the Langer Heinrich project itself is available from the Paladin Resources Ltd website at

More information on the EIS study will be made available on the Softchem website (, as part of the anticipated public participation process, in the near future. In the interim, should you wish to be listed as an interested and/or affected party, please forward your contact details to

Location of the Langer Heinrich project.

© softchem 2004